Saturday, April 30, 2011

W is for Water X is for Xavier Y is for Yellow Z is for ZOMBIES!

This is a true story. It all happened somewhere in yesterday...

So I've been slacking so here goes W through Z. W is for water. Water reminds me of my trip to Mexico because I pretty much never drank just water before I went there. It was always pop or juice or tea. When I went to Mexico, though, we pretty much only had water to drink and we really needed to drink a lot of it while we were working on the house. Dehydration can be dangerous.

X is for Xavier from X-Men. Professor Xavier is pretty damn awesome. I watched X-Men on TV when I was little and I was a little disappointed by the movies because they changed some of my favourite characters. Anyways, Xavier is one of the few people who was still awesome in the movies. It seriously helps that they cast Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard) as him in the movies.

Y is for Yellow. When I was younger, I danced for about 11 years and one of those years, we wore this terribly ugly costume that was kind of salsa themed and Yellow. In case you didn't know, I look terrible in yellow. Like seriously, red heads are terrible in yellow. I hated it.

Z is for zombies! Okay, so shameless self promotion time!! I write another blog that's a chapter by chapter novel. It's about zombies and you should all read it and love it! :) Check it out here:

Anyways, assignment today is to read my story!! :)


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