Saturday, April 23, 2011

T is for Terrible Taryn's Tentacle Thing

This is a true story. It all happened somewhere in yesterday...

So when I was in grade six, I was part of the crafts club. Dorky, right? Whatever, guys. It was fun and it let me spend all my lunch hours making crafts from around the world with my friends. Anyways, one of the crafts was this basket that we had to weave. It started as a round base, with some material hanging around it that we were supposed to be weaving.

Anyways, when I was making mine, I held it up and the material hung down the sides like these frightening tentacles. So, my friend Caitlin exclaimed "IT'S TERRIBLE TARYN'S TENTACLE THING!" and thus the tentacle thing was born. So, Caitlin (who is amazingly talented at writing, even if she denies it sometimes) wrote a series of poems based on this creature. I still have all of those poems in my desk at home, but I'm not willing to type them up to post here. So, if you know Caitlin, you should ask her to show them to you. They're brilliant. And star me! Oh, and the tentacle thing. But really, I'm better :).

Anyways, I remember grade six as a wonderful year and I really do miss it. All of the people I knew then are fantastic. I remember some of the stupid silly things we did fondly. Sometimes we thought we were badass, but we were just weird. Also, Caitlin and I started a film about that year but it's really hard to make a movie with a bunch of 13-year-olds. Seriously. Try it with no budget. Hard as shit.

So, that's today's post. Hope you all enjoyed it. Short but sweet. See you next time!

Assignment: Do a craft!


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