Tuesday, April 5, 2011

D is for Dan

This is a true story. It all happened somewhere in yesterday....

So I decided on using Dan as my D post because I know at least three of them! And I have so many memories from them. So, I'll do this in chronological order for you guys.

The first Dan I know is my Dad (so I guess D is for Dad as well). Of course, I've known him since I was born. I have a lot of good memories of my Dad and I don't even really know where to start. He taught me how to ride my bike, how to play baseball and introduced me to James Bond movies. He helped make me the person I am today and I appreciate that so much.

The second Dan I met, I knew in high school. Well, I actually knew his sister better but everyone else I knew knew him best. He was always a lot of fun to be around, especially when he was drinking. I remember at this party one year, he had this issue with breaking chairs. It seemed like every lawn chair he sat on would just collapse beneath him. He wasn't even sitting down hard on them. No, he would be sitting on a chair for a couple of minutes then it would suddenly just give out. Anyways, Dan was a character. He was always doing something crazy and/or interesting.

The last Dan I met is the one I hang out with a lot now. I met him while working at Value Village (he was a supervisor there). Count on me to befriend the three male supervisors there at the time. Anyways, this Dan is not ashamed of anything. I'm pretty sure it's impossible for him to feel embarrassment. However, I still won't tell you the best story about him because, while we like to tell everyone about it, this is the internet and not EVERYONE needs to know about it. But really, it's hilarious and involves a really sparkly shirt and three hundred dollars.

Anyways, that's my D post. Hope you all enjoyed it!

Assignment: How many Dan's do you know? Think about it....



  1. It still makes me laugh all the time

  2. Originally I was sad because I could've got a Wii with that money. Now I realize my friends and I get way more entertainment out of this than a Wii could ever provide.

  3. i know a lot of dans... at least 3 from highschool, my cousin, and of course our favourite occasionally sparkli-fied dan :)
