Friday, October 22, 2010

Letter to a Forgotten Friend

This is a true story. It all happened somewhere in yesterday...
Dear world,
    Do you remember when you were easy? When I didn't have to ever make decisions and people were just nice? What happened to you world? You've changed. When I was young, you were exciting and fun. I liked going to school, meeting new people. Now I just go to school and to work naturally. There's no excitement there.

    Do you remember, world, when I danced on stage? When it was still fun and not at all complicated. When I wasn't so much worried that I would forget the steps or mess up, but about enjoying myself. Remember when it didn't matter if I won and I could still talk to other competitors like they were friends and allies? The judges were our real competition, not each other. What happened that made it change? When did everyone start caring more about winning?

    And world, do you remember when I used to watch the stars? Remember when I had time to stop and just watch? Or when I didn't care if my hair got wet in the rain? Remember the day that you poured rain down on us, and Steve and I still went for a walk? We stopped in the middle of the street, our hair dripping wet, but we weren't cold. It was comfortable and fun. I didn't care about being wet, I was just happy. Why don't we ever dance in the rain anymore?

    Remember when prom came around, world? It was a long time coming. When Kayla and I stayed up all night to get tickets for our boyfriends, it wasn't a hassle. We watched chick flicks and drank energy drinks all night and I felt accomplished when the time for us to buy the tickets came around. Even moreso when I made it through the whole school day without falling asleep. And when we finally made it to prom, I was so proud of myself in my beautiful dress. I felt like a princess and it suddenly felt like all the work I had done to get to that point was worth it. What happened to that feeling world? Where did it disappear to?

    Remember world, when you were still new to me? Remember when I couldn't wait to grow up and be rich and famous and see the world? What ever happened to that?

    What happened to you world? You've changed.

    Assignment: Dance in the rain.


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