Saturday, February 12, 2011

So Long And Thanks For All The Drama

Okay, a lot has been going on lately so I haven't had a lot of blogging time. Work is crazy. School is crazy. Everything is crazy. I find myself looking back to when I was in high school. These thoughts are spawned by my first university level A (received a couple of days ago on an oral storytelling presentation thingy).

I remember in high school that I was the kid who never skipped and generally got pretty damn good grades. I was never really top of the class, but I wasn't a slacker either. I have to be one of the few people on the planet who actually enjoyed high school. And I wasn't even really that popular. I suspect my enjoyment of high school centered a lot around my friends and hobbies.

I'm still friends with a lot of the people I was friends with in high school. The main group that I hung out with still keeps in contact fairly well. In fact, my roommate is a friend from high school. It's pretty damn awesome. I remember spending a lot of time just hanging out in general with my friends in high school. None of us were stoners or druggies, and we weren't the smart crowd in any way. I suppose we were mostly just the gamers, although I didn't play very many games back then. We spent our lunch hours at school hanging out behind the school talking or watching James climb trees (then get yelled at by the duty to get down). The most exciting lunch hour was when a friend of mine thought he was going to get shot. He had gotten this other kid expelled from school the day before and this kid decided to show up with a fake gun (I think it was an Airsoft pistol or something). Needless to say, my friend was practically pissing himself. He heard this guy was on campus with a gun and immediately went to the office to report this and ask for help. In the end, the guy got tackled by a police officer and taken off campus. Woot!

My main hobby in high school was working as a sound tech on our schools plays and assemblies. I'm not sure if anyone who reads this has ever been behind the scenes on anything, but it is an incredible feeling to watch everything come together after you've put so much work into it. I remember in my grade twelve year, the teacher in charge of the work experience thing felt the sudden urge to take a picture of me (the sound tech), the light tech and the video switcher (these are the three main tech positions). The reason for the picture: this was the first year ever where the three main techies were all girls. I'm terribly proud of this. The crazy feminist in me (admit it, all girls have it) was cheering when she realized this.

Anyways, the only real crazy thing I remember doing in high school was taking three AP (Advanced Placement) courses at once. Never do this. They may seem fine at the time- and I did enjoy them- but exam time is hell. I ended up with three big exams and two huge papers at the end of the year. Again. Don't be crazy. Oh yeah, and in case people are wondering. The courses I took in AP form were as follows: Literature, psychology, and US History. The last one was really just because that prof was awesome. Borto, if you ever read this, you are awesome. 

Anyways, overall, high school was very enjoyable for me. I knew some great people back then and I still know some of them. I'm not sure if I would do it all again, but I have to say it: Thanks for the memories.

Oh yeah! Assignment. Go back to your high school sometime and just walk down the halls. Just for the memories.

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