Sunday, December 5, 2010

Things My Mother Told Me

This is a true story. It all happened somewhere in yesterday...

    There are things my mother told me never to do. When I was little I was told things like "don't put your finger in the hot apple sauce" or "don't chew on your hair". When do we ever listen to our parents, though? Once, my brother told me to stick my finger in the large pot of fresh apple sauce my mother had just made. I supposed it had probably cooled down already so I stuck my finger into the pot, promptly burning myself. I always chewed on my hair when I was little too. That only ended when I saw a story on the news about a girl who got her hair twisted up in her taste buds and had to get it cut out. I finally listened to my mother after I saw that.

    As I got older, the advice my mother gave continued. She told me things like "never have a joint bank account with anybody" and "never buy beer in bottles". These pieces of advice come more from experience than common sense. Never have a joint bank account with somebody because, if they get financial troubles, it hits you too. The never buy beer in bottles thing, though. That has to do with something that happened to my brother once.

    My brother was out buying beer with his "flavor of the week" (He goes through women pretty quickly- not on purpose, but he does) and they opted to buy it in bottles. My brother lived in Vancouver at the time so, of course, he didn't own a car. So they were going to take the bus. He spotted it pulling up across the street and decided to try to run for it. My brother, the genius, wanted to jaywalk across a street in Vancouver. Anyways, it wasn't cars that he needed to worry about. It was the curb. He tripped and fell -- straight onto the glass bottles of beer. A lot of them smashed underneath him and glass shards went everywhere. The girl he was with helped him up and took him into a nearby Whitespot to clean up. He hadn't injured himself too badly, but he did find a glass shard later, sticking out of his stomach (I think it was his stomach at least).

    My mother still gives me advice sometimes. She still tells me things I should never do. I don't always listen. I still sometimes buy beer in bottles. I'm just extra careful about carrying it now because of my brother. I think that sometimes people need to learn things for themselves. Like touching the hot apple sauce. I knew not to do it, but I did it anyways.

    I don't always listen to what my mother says, but I know why she tells me these things. Her advice is meant to help me live my life properly. One day, when I have kids, I will sit them down and tell them the things my mother told me never to do. Maybe they'll listen, maybe they won't. All I can do is tell them and hope.

    So, my assignment for today is to give somebody a good piece of advice. Doesn't matter who. Doesn't matter what it is. Just tell somebody something that will help.


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