Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sweet, Unforgettable Georgia

This is a true story. It all happened somewhere in yesterday...

So with copious amounts of drama surrounding me lately, I've been doing a lot of thinking about my friends and why I love them so much sometimes, but want to strangle them other times. I realized that there are a million different sides to every person. A lot of people hide every side but one from everyone else, but in search of who they really are, their other parts will show through.

I remember when I was younger, I spent a lot more time with my friend Georgia. She's a sweetheart and always has been, which makes me love her all the more. She went through a lot of fazes through the years though in search of who she really is.

The first faze I remember is the girly faze. During this time, I was the tomboyish girl who wore my brothers' hand-me-downs and would never let pink within a mile of me. Georgia, however, favored wearing a dress most days, usually featuring some kind of pink or purple flowers. It was really adorable. The personality that went along with this one was happy go lucky, silly and innocent. She never wanted to hear anyone swear and just loved to hang out on the playground with her friends. Adorable Georgia is adorable.

The next faze I remember was the tomboy faze. This one happened a couple years after the girly faze and, between the two, she had a fairly normal girl faze that was more an in-between thing than anything. Anyways, at this point Georgia wore baggy, boyish clothes and listened to nothing but rap music, swearing whenever she could and generally being bad ass. Georgia's bad-assness lasted for a much shorter time than the girly faze. Georgia just can't be that person. I'm pretty sure it took a lot of effort for her to try to be that vulgar.

Next was Georgia's classical music faze. This one was simply what it sounds like. All she would listen to was classical music and she was suddenly determined to learn how to play the violin (come to think of it, I don't know if she ever did learn it). Before this, she had already learned to play the clarinet, and she has always been very talented at music. Anyways, Georgia still listens to classical music and still loves to play instruments, but doesn't limit herself to that type anymore.

Next was Georgia's boy faze. Here she went through a boy a week pretty much. She's so lovable, it doesn't surprise me that she had to beat them off with sticks. She would date a boy for a short bit then send him off on his own. Every boy was "the one" too. I would always hear about them like they were these amazing people and then a week or two later it'd be "he broke up with me" or "I broke up with him". No bother, though because it gave us a really good excuse to have our ice cream and disney movies nights. Which are the best cure for a breakup, by the way.

I think Georgia is through all her fazes now. She's grown up to be an amazing person and all of her sides have had a turn on the outside. Through all of these years though, a few things have remained the same:

1. Disney movies still make her smile
2. If I randomly burst into song, she will always sing with me
3. She'll still laugh at all my stupid jokes because for some reason we both think they're funny
4. She'd still rather everyone be happy and get along than put herself first.
5. She still loves Hobbits, Nightcrawler and Alan Rickman (particularly as Snape)
6.She's still the person I want to talk to when I'm sad or homesick
7. I can still spend a whole night just hanging out with her, doing nothing in particular
8. I still <3 her forever :)

No matter how many forms a person takes, there's always going to be at least one part that remains the same. It's the way the world works. People change, everyone always says. What they leave out is that people can't deny who they are and sometimes that means being simply unchangeable.

So my assignment for today is to find the part of you that's still the same. That may be a childish innocence, a love for Disney movies or just a friendship that you can't see yourself without. Think about it.
